Glenn Beck is a pussy

I would just like to note that every time I flip over to watch a little bit of Glenn Beck (at last count, this has occurred around four times), the guy is either crying, or tearing up and about to cry. It’s always because he’s deeply moved by some quote made by the founding fathers. I can guarantee you that if George Washington walked into that studio he would look at Beck and say, “Man up, bitch! Real men don’t cry or express any kind of emotion. They repress their feelings until they well up inside them and explode, and then they get it all out by beating their wife or having an illicit homosexual relationship.”

I can’t believe liberals are so afraid of this guy.

4 thoughts on “Glenn Beck is a pussy

  1. John Saleeby

    No kidding. I hear how hysterical liberals get over Beck, Palin, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, etc. and I wonder how well they would hold up against somebody who would really like to kick their asses. But then I see their response to Mexican Illegal Aliens and Islamic Terrorists and I know their reaction to a genuine threat – They drop to their knees and immediately start sucking dick. America is a pussy country.

  2. Ridley

    Americans need to wake up the fact that Beck is simply another opinion pushing charlatan who is a product of mormon cult theology and he mixes this with his personal make up as a dry alcoholic. On his radio show and Fox Network program he consistently demonstrates all the unstable behaviors of a dry alcoholic, which include grandiosity, judgmentalism, intolerance, impulsivity, ADD and indecisiveness. Alongside that reality, Glenn Beck does not possess a single ounce of journalistic integrity, has no college degree, has no qualifications and he is definitely not a true conservative. But then, what can anyone expect from someone who can’t find anything filthier than their own personal reflection?
    Since people like Beck cannot survive on the basis of any personal merits, they survive by putting others down with lies and half truths in order to feel good about themselves. The truth about Beck is that he is a dry mormon alcoholic who never got the counseling required for alcoholics.
    To further complicate things and confuse people, Beck flippantly throws around Christian terms like “God”, “Jesus”,”Holy Spirit,” as well as voices of other so called “Spirit Powers” on his radio talk show. Beck is a mormon in active standing with the mormon church and is not a Christian. Mormonism teaches many gods, that the god of the earth was once a man who attained godhood status, there is no trinity, the cross of Christ means nothing and that Jesus Christ and Satan were brothers.
    Because Beck does not possess a single ounce of journalistic integrity, he is the perfect abortion poster child for Fox Network. The people who love what Beck says are no different than the impressionable sheep who loved every speech made by Adolf Hitler in his early years when he brought Germany into an era of economic prosperity These same sheep also blindly followed Hitler into one of the darkest chapters of world history.
    Beck and the Fox Network both cater to the same lowest common denominator of demagoguery. Beck would not know the first thing about God as he is a mormon. Someone should ask him which of the many mormon gods he kept talking about during his argument with himself on Saturday on the square in DC. Like a typical dry alcoholic, Beck even lied on national television when he spoke about holding a document signed by George Washington. That event never took place.
    Unfortunately, people who love being led around by the nose do not realize that he is talking about a different god than that of Christianity, Judaism or Islam and that he has been a product of mormon cultism from the day he started doing a radio talk show as an opinion pusher.
    You don’t have to have a degree in psychology to see that he exhibits all the signs of a dry alcoholic. The only reason this unstable impressionable idiot fell into mormonism was because the woman he wanted to have sex with would not do so unless they got first got married and from that point, they joined the mormon cult.
    Glenn Beck is as big a charlatan as Joseph Smith or that fifth grade graduate (Charles T Russell) who started the Jehovah’s Witness cult. This is Glenn Beck in a very accurate and concise nutshell. Considering the fact that Beck’s personal views are extreme Marxist Libertarian, his form of patriotism is false and he is a person who has no real substance or depth.
    It will not surprise many of us when Beck’s next big thing is to come out of the closet and announce his homosexuality to the nation or all the blow jobs he gives to Sarah Palin.

  3. Jeff

    Ridley is one the left wings payroll. He has posted his same rant across the internet in an attempt to slander conservative voices.

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