The General's Daughter - John Travolta, Madeline Stowe - Dir: Simon West
In some ways, the psychological thriller is to the Hollywood of the nineties
what the horror film was to tinseltown in the eighties: a genre
that has proved itself durable enough to maintain the interest of
the American public for not just a couple films, but for a decade.
The end of horror films became clear when out when most of the fright
flicks became parodies of earlier versions of themselves (Friday
the 13th part 2, Freddy's Dead) and the approaching nouveau
political correctness would no longer tolerate what it saw as misogyny
in the films. The end of the psychological thriller may be coming
if Hollywood insists on making cliché-ridden drivel such as The
General's Daughter. While the new John Travolta film
is not part 4 in some murder/mystery quadralogy, it strings together
so many elements of recent (and archaic) films it might as well
be. One is assaulted while watching the film, with the feeling that
"I've seen this before."
To quickly regurgitate the plot for you, this should suffice:
Paul Brennan (John Travolta) is a CID officer is brought
in to investigate the murder of an attractive, female military officer
who just happens to be the daughter of a prominent, politically
important general. Also on the case is a rape investigator played
by Madeline Stowe who, in a shocking twist, happens to have
had an affair with Travolta in the past. The rest of the film is
a continuing series of "surprises" (of the incredibly unsurprising
variety) and plot meanderings that manage to incorporate hot button
issues such gays in the military, S&M and women's place in modern
warfare and sterilize them. (Indeed, while the film seems to be
making some plea for increasing women's role in the Army, the modern
feminism movement would do well to distance themselves from its
confusing argument.) By the time the killer is revealed, you're
pleading for an escape from the theater.
Not to be entirely jaded about the whole thing, there were at
least two elements I liked. I'm a sucker of colorful, manufactured
cinematography (The recent Annette Benning film, In Dreams,
utilized this very well) and The General's Daughter has plenty to
spare. While watching one of the final scenes, you know that there's
no way the falling sun could frame Madeline Stowe so spectacularly
against the background but don't it sure look nice. Also commendable
is the music in the film: eerie re-workings of classic southern
spirituals, that bring to mind a combination of Leadbelly
and Dead Can Dance. If I can recommend anything here, skip
the film, buy the soundtrack (or at least see if you can download
it of the net.)