The suicide club

I became intrigued when I noted — amidst the post Newtown discussion on gun control — that Japan has the highest suicide rate of any nation despite not having guns. So how are they killing themselves? Over to you, Wikipedia:

Methods of committing suicide

Common methods of suicide are jumping in front of trains, leaping off high places, hanging, or overdosing on medication.[1] Rail companies will charge the families of those who commit suicide a fee depending on the severity of disrupted traffic.[17]

A newer method, gaining in popularity partly due to publicity from Internet suicide websites,[2] is to use household products to make the poisonous gas hydrogen sulfide. In 2007, only 29 suicides used this gas, but in a span from January to September 2008, 867 suicides resulted from gas poisoning.[18] This method is particularly problematic, as there is high risk of hurting others in the process. After a man who attempted suicide in 2008 by swallowing pesticides was hospitalized, 50 people in the hospital were sickened by the toxic fumes.[19]

7 thoughts on “The suicide club

  1. John Saleeby

    Haven’t you seen Mel Brooks’ “Suicide Death Farts” Starring Gene Wilder and Harvey Korman? Hilarious!

  2. John Saleeby

    Hey, you know what sucks? When you’re waiting to pay for something at the store and you’re behind some stupid waittress who just finished working a shift at some stupid resteraunt.

    “That will be fourteen dollars and thirty six cents.”


    And she pulls out a big roll of one dollars from all the cheap ass tips she collected that night . . .

    “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen . . . How much was that?”

    “Fourteen dollars and thirty six cents.”

    “Oh! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen!”

    And then she hands the money over to the cashier.

    “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. And here is your change.”

    “Thank you! Oh! I forgot! I need cigarettes!”


    Next day the front page headline on the local paper is “KILLER BEHEADS TWO PEOPLE WITH A DEBIT CARD”

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